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It’s a boy 👶🏽

Writer's picture: acaciabarnettacaciabarnett

Updated: May 9, 2019

If you’ve been keeping up with me you know that I left for a week to see my sister give birth to her THIRD child! This was the first time my sister would allow me in the room while she gave birth!

I arrived to Richmond, Virginia on Friday, May 3rd. My sister was supposed to be due May 6th, but she's usually a day or two late. That left me with plenty of time to spend with William and Talayah before the baby! William is 2 and Talayah is 1, man ohhhh man are they a handful together! William loves Mickey Mouse and Talayah loves Mona. They both love juice, crackers, and chips. William loves fruit and Talayah just loves anything you put in front of her (this girl will eat you out of a house).

I started to get impatient by the 7th when the baby still wasn't here! So my sister started working out to try to get this baby out! On the 8th we went to the hospital and by 1:00pm her water broke. My sister was in labor for 10 hours with no epidural. We were not expecting her to be in labor for that long, especially with her third baby. At 11:24pm Tobias Nahsir Riley finally was born! It was the most amazing experience I have ever witnessed. I cried like a baby lol, but I was so overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. The last two times I stayed in a hospital for an extended period of time was with my grandparents and it was leading towards death, so to be in a hospital where life was going to be born was a lot for me to take in. It was very therapeutic to me and exactly what I needed in this stage of my life as I feel that I am going through a transition of growth and change, a rebirth for me through Tobias if you will...

Any who I won't bore you with my tears. Watching a natural birth was....WOW! I wanted to help my sister during contractions so bad and take the pain for her, it's such a helpless feeling to watch someone in pain and not be able to help. The whole thing is like a marathon, my sister looked exhausted by the time she had to push. Women's bodies are truly amazing! My sister found all of this strength at the end to push. Tobias came out with a head full of hair and his eyes wide open! He came out 7.8 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long. He is very calm and you just want to cuddle and squeeze him! He is perfect and I love him sooooo much! I'm trying to take him back with me to Arizona but my sister said no!

As for me, I don't know about kids now. Especially after helping take care of toddlers and a new born all in one week. Your girl is pooped! It truly does take a village and I have not gotten ANY sleep! Watching my sister give birth was beautiful yet traumatizing lol. Just pray for me y'all, but mostly pray for my sister and these three babies cause she needs the prayers more than me lol!

I'll be home soon, here's some extra pics... enjoy :)


1 Comment

Sundi Williams
Sundi Williams
May 10, 2019

Beautiful baby! Beautiful story!

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